Paul Novitski skrev:
I would love to get your critical comments on Danny Goodman's JavaScript Bible

I'm updating the book to its 7th edition and am making some significant changes, including upgrading it to include separation of layers & progressive enhancement.

OK. You are addressing my biggest gripe. I'm sure you will get the word "unobtrusive" in there as well!

JQuery has just demonstrated that even a library can be built using no browser sniffing at all. Capability testing a.k.a. feature detection and the new kid on the block, bug detection, really takes a lot of focus away from the compatibility tables.

Do you have any other criticisms of the book, either minor or major, that I should consider in the rewrite? I would be grateful for your detailed remarks.

I am developing the DOM Scripting courses for the Web Standards Projects Educational Fask Force. High on my personal wish list is a chapter on JavaScript from an academic, computer science, perspective.

Also, the first examples of JavaScript tend to use document.write when illustrating the simplest parts of the language. Usage of document.write should be banned from day one. Encourage the readers to test simple stuff in a console (e.g. Firebug) or the JS-shell instead. (Appendix C)

Namespacing (or the lack thereof) is another issue that should be addressed early on. As soon as example code becomes realistic, it should be enclosed in a self executing function or in some other way be hidden from the global scope.

ECMAScript 3.1 is coming along soon(?). It warrants a discussion.

ES 3.1 will have built in functionality for JSON. JSON is missing in the 6th edition *entirely*.

Lars Gunther

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