Anyway,  as it is just a student's work, I don't think that counts as a
profit site, doesn't it?
2009/2/17 James Milligan <>

> What about coming up with your own?Not meaning to sound rude, but it could
> be an opportunity for you.
> Juts an idea
> James
> On 17 Feb 2009, at 10:20, "Marvin Hunkin" <> wrote:
>  Hi.
>> doing a fruit and veg site, and now asked for permission to use recipes
>> from
>> Delia smith, Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson.
>> but no success, and not able to use their recipies from their sites for my
>> own site.
>> part of my site, was a recipies page, with about 6 recipies.
>> now, would like to put this site online, but my question is:
>> what vegetable recpies and legal and free, and which people to approach to
>> get permission.
>> any ideas, or pointers.
>> got permission to use images, which i found on google from the owners.
>> and will put a credits links, and a page, next to my copyright page on
>> this
>> site.
>> any one got any ideas, this is the last piece of the current site and
>> student web project, which i want to upload online.
>> but do not want to be prosecuted for copyright infringement in australia.
>> so doing the right thing and getting permission.
>> before uploading this site.
>> any ideas.
>> or maybe e-mail me off list if necessary.
>> cheers Marvin.
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