On 24 Feb 2009, at 11:21, Bob Schwartz wrote:

1. Dublin Core: I have only been able to find older studies (2000) regarding the possible improvement in search engine positioning through the use of
these tags. The conclusion in these olders studies was "no significant
imporvement", however they did go on to say that in the future these tags will play a more important role. Has that future arrived or are these tags
essentialy still "code bloat"?

The Dublib Core is only one of a few different metadata projects, such as Web Ontology Language (OWL), the Warwick Framework, Resource Description Framework (RDF) to name just a few. These metadata projects try to describe or represent knowledge. The thirteen elements of the Dublin Core include familiar descriptive data such as author, title, and subject... but they are not enough. So the Warwick Framework aimed to expend on the Dublin Core. How essential are they? Well, I remember that the webstandardsgroup.org used to recommend using the DC metadata -- but last I checked they don't anymore.

2. geo.position: [snipped] Anyone have any experience or thoughts regarding these tags?

I recently looked into this. I think as with the above, no one standard has emerged just yet. Try and look into .gfx format and .kml format files.
But not sure if this is what you meant.

Some links to check out:


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