At 6/22/2009 12:24 AM, matt andrews wrote:
2009/6/22 Mark Harris <>
> The biggest cost I have seen in web design since 1996, when I started, is the perceived need to make the web like the printed page. That, and the desire to make it pixel-identical in multiple browsers.
> Let the control go to the user, focus on getting information out there. You can't control everything, just make it make sense.

Absolutely.  This is probably old hat (where did *that* phrase come
from?) to most on this list, but if you haven't come across it before,
"A Dao of Web Design", a short article by John Allsopp (of  Westciv
and Web Directions fame) is a must-read:

With respect, a few points:

- Allsop's article (which, although written in 2000 and out-dated in some of its specific references to browser development, is completely relevant today) primarily advises us not to try to control font-size. With regard to font-family he writes, "With CSS, you can suggest a number of fonts, and cover as many bases as possible. But don't rely on a font being available regardless of how common it is." So his philosophy DOES permit font-family suggestions and advises merely against RELYING on any particular font being available. To me this is a far cry from avoiding font-family suggestions in the stylesheet.

- If we don't "rely" on the presence of particular font-families and let go of the desire to make the web pixel-identical in multiple browsers, then the philosophical problem goes away, does it not?

- Even if we suggest fonts in the stylesheet, they're just suggestions. I don't consider this to be "controlling" the user agent. A suggested font will display if it's on the user's computer and otherwise default to something that is. The user has ultimate control in installing fonts of choice and overriding all stylesheets (including the default stylesheet the comes packaged with the browser) with their own.

- CSS font-family suggestions are a perfect case of both graceful degradation and progressive enhancement. The browser ensures that the text will render if there is at least one font installed on the client computer, then the stylesheet can suggest a series of families that more closely approach the designer's ideal. It's a system guaranteed not to break on even the most rudimentary system, and will look better and better the more of the desired software (fonts) are installed.

- I submit that suggesting serif and sans-serif in the stylesheet is exactly as controlling (that is, NOT) as suggesting Georgia or Lucida Sans. It is 'controlling' in the sense that it's suggesting to the user agent whether to use a serif font or not, but with no control whatsoever in determining whether a corresponding font resides on the user's computer. If I install even one serif font on my computer, your CSS rule of 'font-family: serif' will invoke that font unless I override it. If I install only sans-serif fonts on my computer, your CSS rule will ultimately be ignored and I'll see your "serif" text in my Helvetica or Univers.

- There is no such thing as a web page without styling. Every browser comes with its own default stylesheets which will determine things like font-size, margins, and padding if not overridden by the author's or the user's own stylesheets. So we're not really living in a pure universe in which it's possible not to style. If you don't use a stylesheet at all, you're just asking the browser to apply its own, so by refusing to control you're not helping to create a situation of no control, you're simply passing the buck. As a Buddhist you can refuse to kill animals but as long as you're alive you can't avoid killing vegetables and microorganisms and you can't prevent the lion from taking down the antelope nor the spider the fly. Styling Happens. Get used to it.

- Finally, if your relinquishing of control extends to not even suggesting font-families, what do you use stylesheets for? Unlike font-family suggestions, stipulations of color, margins, padding, and other properties really are commands and will be carried out in most browsers. {margin-left: 10px;} doesn't say to the browser "if you feel like it," it says "just do it." If you do use stylesheets at all, it strikes me as odd that you would take exception to named font-families, the one aspect of CSS that is the least controlling of all.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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