A practical distraction for the standardistas and accessibility gurus�

Hoping tap your brain for an alternative perspective on the simple and
common HTML scenario of a site search form.

To revisit this topic, I'm considering the following and would appreciate feedback:

a) Submit button as label:

<form ...>
      <input type="text" id="search" name="search" />
      <label for="search">
         <input type="submit" value="Search" />

b) Label hidden from view:

<form ...>
      <label for="search" id="search-label">Search:</label>
      <input type="text" id="search" name="search" />
      <input type="submit" value="Search" />

        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;

The rationale for both of these is that the "Search" submit button serves as a clear and unambiguous label for the input field. In listing a) the button is literally the label; in b) there is a separate literal label present in the markup but hidden from cosmetic view.

Both validate for W3C HTML & Cynthia 528 & Accessibilty.

Can you see any problems with them?

I favor a) but it feels edgy.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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