On 7/20/10 8:25 AM, David Laakso wrote:
Foskett, Mike wrote:
Has anyone on the list considered using keywords?

Mike Foskett

Has anyone conceived of a layout for the page using percent, em,
/and/ pixel width, with the fonts specified in percent [ or em ] :-)

Best, ~d

Eric seems to have done so:


FWIW - Even for a "fixed width" design I'd use percents for inner block
widths. Not only because it makes future changes for newer devices
easier, but it happens to be the way I think about layout, that is, in

As for font-size, I see little need to change the browser defaults,
except, perhaps, smaller for subsidiary text, and larger for items of
special importance. For these I currently do use keywords, Mike, as they
seem more consistent cross-browser (ignoring IE 5). But IE 6 gets
percents as it is a bit funky where keywords are concerned.

But that's me. I think browser defaults follow typographic conventions
used in print reasonably well. But then, I know just enough about those
conventions to know that my own choices are likely to be worse rather
than an improvement...


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