Tom, I think the answer to that is semantics - div has no meaning. Id's are there for you to manipulate the look and behaviour, the tags themselves offer a way for third parties to glean meaning from the page. e.g you could build an overview of a page by grabbing the first bit of text inside each <section>, assistive technologies can benefit from knowing what part of the page is the main part, header, footer, asdie or google might give greater weight to any text inside a <section> etc.

The problem is that IE currently doesn't recognise these tags, but if you do this for any element it does...

document. createElement(‘ header’ );
document. createElement(‘ nav’ ) ;
document. createElement(‘ article’ ) ;
document. createElement(‘ footer’ );

or use this which includes it...

except the issue here is that it makes your page dependent on javascript. Without it some elements will be styled in IE, some won't

(the above comes from Introducing HTML5 by Remy Sharp and Bruce Lawson)

Chris Knowles

On 13/08/10 6:38 AM, Tom Livingston wrote:

Here's a theory question ( i think) for ya. I'm working on a layout,
and am attempting to use<section>  and<aside>. Properly, I believe.
But as I look at my layout, I'm thinking "ok, i'll put an ID on this
section, and one on that section..." and I stopped and thought "Uh
oh... it's the same as i've always done with<div id="">  etc. Am I
wrong? Is there still benefit to using<section>... I don't wanna just
substitute div for section... am I way off track already??


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