> Sorry,, Corrected Structure:
> <div id="wrap">
>               <div id="header">
>                       <p>Header here</p>
>               </div><!-- !End Header -->
>               <div id="container" class="clear">
>                       <div class="article">
>                               Content with an H2, a UL, Ps and As and a
> picture
>                       </div>
>                       <div class="article">
>                               Content with an H2, a UL, Ps and As and a
> picture
>                       </div>
>                       <div class="article">
>                               Content with an H2, a UL, Ps and As and a
> picture
>                       </div>
>               </div><!-- !End #container -->
>               <div id="aside">
>                       <p>Sidebar</p>
>               </div>
>               <div id="footer">
>                       <p>Footer</p>
>               </div><!-- !End Footer -->
>       </div><!--! end of #wrap -->


I am aware of the HTML5 elements, thanks. I'm just not ready to leap
into that right yet, but want to try to understand the semantics of
the element and, with classes/IDs, make an analogy with my structure.
My 'header' is the header for the entire page. My 'articles' have an
H2 in each and can't see why I'd wrap each on in a 'header' element
(or analogous one). My structure above is what I am literally using on
a page. WHat I am after is an HTML5 analogy to this. Does a
div.section belong in there somewhere?



Tom Livingston | Senior Interactive Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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