On 01/10/10 20:03, Ted Drake wrote:
I'm on the fence right now about headers.
I've seen use of h2's without a header wrapper in a section. This gives screen 
readers structure, but it breaks the HTML5 outline methodology.
Shouldn't you change it to an h1 when it goes in a header.

The outline is dependent on the sectioning content[1] (article, aside, nav, section) - you don't need to wrap an <h*> element in a <header> for that.

The <header> is only really needed if you're going to have content that isn't a <h*> element but is still part of the section/article header (eg. author byline, publish date etc.). Wrapping a single <h*> element in a <header> is technically correct but unnecessary IMO - might be useful if you wanted to attach style rules to it.


[1] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/content-models.html#sectioning-content-0

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