HI all

whereas accessibility (a.k.a. a11y) is not about web standards, one aspect of 
it is about conformance with standards, in particular, the parsing of code.  So 
I guess it's OK to talk about it here for a little bit.

There are two points to consider here:

I just had a look at the myki accessibility statement and there are several 
interesting issues.
WCAG 1.0 measures conformance against Priority 1, 2, and 3, 
WCAG 2.0 measures against success criteria levels A, AA, AAA: 

Saying they attempt to conform to WCAG 1.0 Level AA shows they don't know what 
they're talking about. I would be surprised, in fact if they even met the 
conditions they claim to have met. In fact, if you follow the link that states 
they conform to the Victorian Government Standard from your link: 
(http://www.myki.com.au/Home/Accessibility/Accessibility/default.aspx) it 
actually states the VIC standard is WCAG 2.0 and they must meet the NTS timeline

The second point is that all AU gov sites are required to PASS, not "reasonable 
effort to ensure", but actually successfully MEET the WCAG 2.0 Level A criteria 
by Dec 2012 and Level AA by dec 2014 according to the AGIMO Web Accessibility 
National Transition Strategy (NTS).  

In fact, if you follow the link that states they conform to the Victorian 
Government Standard from your link: 
(http://www.myki.com.au/Home/Accessibility/Accessibility/default.aspx) it 
actually states the VIC standard is WCAG 2.0 (not 1.0) and they must meet the 
NTS Guidelines.

According to the strategy, now is when they should have formulated a plan and 
started on the road to transitioning to a fully compliant site by the first 

In conclusion, if you feel like complaining, the best bet would be to make the 
owners of the site aware of this discrepancy, and their obligations and request 
a timeframe on when they expect to meet their obligation for compliance. 


On 04/09/2011, at 22:39 , Istvan Vincze wrote:

> Hi Andrew :)
> I have a bit of a peeve with the Myki site, too... a lot in fact. When the 
> site was launched I had a bit of a poke around the source and found it to be 
> a pretty low-effort job, so not surprised about your findings. Glad you 
> looked into this. I'd suspect the Metlink site has similar failings.
> Considering that it's public transport, I'd also expect a mobile optimised 
> site and/or web app to manage account. I've finally found an app (on android, 
> possibly iOS too) called MyUsage that can at least retrieve my Myki (amongs 
> many other services) balance easily.
> Istvan
> On 4 September 2011 21:51, Andrew Harris <and...@woowoowoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently had some problems with the Myki website (I like to use the
> keyboard to navigate - they don't make it easy!), which prompted me to
> visit the site's accessibility page.
> http://www.myki.com.au/Home/Accessibility/Accessibility/default.aspx
> There, they make a claim about their efforts to reach WCAG AA
> compliance. Ever pedantic, I ran a few checks over the site, and found
> many errors that would indicate that this simply isn't so. In fact
> only one of the five pages I tested actually passed!
> Does it have to wait for someone to bring an action against them, or
> is there some other sort of trigger that can be used to prompt them to
> action? After all, this isn't just some business selling widgets, it's
> a public transport ticketing system!
> --
> Andrew Harris
> and...@woowoowoo.com
> http://www.woowoowoo.com
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