On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 2:57 PM, Chris Vickery
<chris.vick...@oaic.gov.au> wrote:
> We’ve got some flat forms on our site, ie. They are not interactive forms,
> and have no submit button. They are indicating that it’s a check list that
> can be ticked once the page is printed.

Hi Chris,

Can you use a print stylesheet to change the appearance of the
checkboxes slightly in screen view, and make the checkboxes
'disabled'? Or do you expect users will check boxes then print the
form out (similar to many PDF forms?)

> Someone suggested putting in regular check boxes and having no submit
> button, but wouldn’t that make it confusing from both and accessibility and
> usability point of view?

FWIW, I think offline forms are confusing from an
usability/accessiblity point of view! ... but I suspect that, as we're
having this conversation at all, there's no real alternative here.



Josh Street

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