Display:block for A element should solve your porblem.


*Kristaps Ancāns*
Senior web developer (coder)
Mob.: +34 644340683
E-pasts: kristaps.anc...@gmail.com
Skype: kristaps.ancans
Web: fyfi.net <http://www.fyfi.net>, metalguide.org<http://www.metalguide.org>,

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:17, tee <weblis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Please go to these pages from Webkit browsers (first) and Firefox.
> There shouldn't have padding top for the image for "We Recommend", padding
> top is caused by the "padding-left:13px;" – any value will trigger the
> padding in the EVEN set of the floated block in Webkit browsers  [1].
> a[href^="http"]{background: url(icon-external.png) no-repeat right
> 3px;padding-left:13px;}
> http://jsbin.com/ozeqon [1]
> If you change "padding-left" to "padding-top" or "padding-bottom", the
> extra padding goes away.
> In these two examples the paddings are gone.
> padding-top
> http://jsbin.com/ozeqon/3/
> padding-bottom
> http://jsbin.com/ozeqon/5
> [1] If you check the page from Firefox, you will see that all images have
> padding (top) above image (this is the reason for my "or Firefox" in the
> subject line), however in my origninal code I had "padding-right:13px
> (which is why I first  thought it's webkit bug - all in all wasted my  3
> working days to find the cause and I assure you nobody can't imagine how
> upset I was when I found what caused the issue – and I think I will go jump
> from the bridge if anybody going to tell me the padding in the above rule
> isn't the issue but my other CSS codes).
> a[href^="http"]{background: url(icon-external.png) no-repeat right
> 3px;padding-right:13px;}
> http://jsbin.com/ozeqon/4/
> Let see what padding:13px does. It's identical to "padding-left:13px;"
> above.
> http://jsbin.com/ozeqon/6
> tee
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