Just FYI,

If you do not need LaTex or Docbook, and you want to build WSJT Documentation + Manpages, the installation is very simple. Attached is a README fie I recently updated for WPSR. Installing / configuring AsciiDoc + A2X for Manpages takes maybe 5 minutes tops.

Basically, all you do is:

* Download AsciiDoc source file (tar.gz)
* Unzip it, comment out the unneeded options in a2x.py
* Install xsltproc or your disto's equal
* ./configure && make && make install

In the case of WSJT-X, Cmake takes care of building the pages for you (if enabled), but if you want to manually build a manpage, it's a simple one line command (WSPR manpage for example):

To Build:
* cd ~/wspr/manpages
* a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage --no-xmllint wspr.1.txt

To Read manpage:
man ./wspr.1

or whatever the manpage name is you just built, and that's it.

Allot of folks use Asciidoc for their epub, Docbook adn LaTex backends. If you work with these formats, you should use your distrobutions package manager to pull in all the deps, but they are not needed WSJT Documentation & Manpage purposes.

Greg, KI7MT

On 08/29/2014 11:30 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
On 26/08/2014 00:52, John N1ISA wrote:
Hi John,
WSJTX Developers,

I followed the wsjtx build instructions that were recently posted. I made
good progress until the last 2 procedures.

I typed this syntax...

cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH=/home/n1isa/local/hamlib -D
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/n1isa/local/wsjtx/Release /home/n1isa/src/wsjtx

I got this error output:

CMake Error at manpages/CMakeLists.txt:8 (message):
    Failed to find a2x which is an optional requirement for non-debug

    builds on *nix platforms.
    You can choose to skip manpage generation and this error by setting

    the CMake option WSJT_SKIP_MANPAGES to ON.  This option is designed for

    those that are building for their own use, package builders should not

    opt to skip manpage generation since package building requires the


-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I ignored this error and continued typing the syntax to progress with the
I have read the rest of this thread and understand that you have managed
to complete a build, well done.

FYI the error message above gave a clue as to a simpler way of
completing the build. You could have defined the suggested CMake option
and the build would have completed without attempting to build the man
pages and thus not requiring the installation of the somewhat weighty
AsciiDoc tools and their prerequisites. You needed to add the option to
the CMake configure command line:

cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH=/home/n1isa/local/hamlib \
   -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/n1isa/local/wsjtx/Release \

cmake --build . --target install -- -kj

I got this error output:

make: *** No rule to make target `install'.

I believe the "." is part of the error message, but I am not sure.

Could someone please tell me how to correct these errors.

This is a copy of the build procedure that was recently posted. All went
well for me until the last 2 parts of the build procedure that I typed out.
I did have to figure out the correct paths for my Ubuntu installation.

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src/
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/u/bsomervi/hamlib u-bsomervi-hamlib
cd u-bsomervi-hamlib/
git checkout integration
mkdir -p ~/build/hamlib
cd ~/build/hamlib/
~/src/u-bsomervi-hamlib/autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/local/hamlib
make && make install
cd ~/src/
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx wsjtx
mkdir -p ~/build/wsjtx/Release
cd ~/build/wsjtx/Release/
cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:PATH=~/local/hamlib \
-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/local/wsjtx/Release \
cmake --build . --target install -- -kj


John, N1ISA

Slashdot TV.
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
wsjt-devel mailing list

WSPR manpages are build using AsciiDoc (a2x). You do not need LaTex, DocBook,
A-A-P etc.

* Python2.7 (installed on most *Nix systems)
* xslproc       (in most repo inventories)
* AsciiDoc

Note: AsciiDoc reuires Python2.5 <=> 2.7 and will not run on Python3.x

* sudo apt-get install xslproc

Note: edit xslproc to match your distribution

* tar -xzvf asciidoc-8.6.9.tar.gz
* cd asciidoc-8.6.9
* EDIT: a2x.py, and change the following lines to match:

# External executables.
ASCIIDOC = 'asciidoc'
XSLTPROC = 'xsltproc'
DBLATEX = ''         # pdf generation.
FOP = ''             # pdf generation (--fop option).
W3M = ''             # text generation.
LYNX = ''            # text generation (if no w3m).
XMLLINT = ''         # Set to '' to disable.
EPUBCHECK = ''       # Set to '' to disable.

Save && Exit

make && sudo make install



Example: to produce wspr.1 manpage

* cd ~/wspr/manpages
* a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage --no-xmllint wspr.1.txt
* mv wspr.1 ./man1/

View New Manpage: man man1/wspr.1


A manpage build script is also provided. You can build one or all manpages
with a single command. 

Build Single manpage:

* cd ./wspr/manpages
* ./build-man.sh wspr

Build all WSPR manpages:

* cd ./wspr/manpages
* ./build-man.sh all

For Script Help, type: ./build-man.sh

man ~/wspr/manpages/man1/wspr.1

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
wsjt-devel mailing list

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