Hi Sandro,

Couple questions.

1. Are you trying to build ( WSPR ) or ( WSJT )?
2. Have you updated JTSDK-PY to the latest versions?
3. Have you updated wsjt.py or wspr.py to the latest SVN as there were
some changes.

Here's my output:
Open C:\JTSDK=PY\jtsdk-pyenv.bat

cd src\trunk
C:\JTSDK-PY\src\trunk>grep "$Revision:" wsjt.py |awk "{print $12}"
C:\JTSDK-PY\src\trunk>grep "$Revision:" ..\wspr\wspr.py |awk "{print $12}"

Greg, KI7MT

On 9/5/2014 19:44, IW3RAB - Alessandro Gorobey wrote:
> Hi All,
> I start to work with SDK to try some experiments.
> Working with JTSDK-PY on windows 7 I notice that
> command: build wsjt
> After build files are copied to 
> C:\JTSDK-PY\wspr\wspr-r$

> If in jtsdk-python.bat I change line 213 from:
> grep "$Revision:" %APP_NAME%.py |awk "{print $12}" > r.txt
> to:
> grep "$Revision:" %APP_NAME%.py |awk "{print $11}" > r.txt
> the files are copied to: 
> C:\JTSDK-PY\wspr\wspr-r4233
> OK, the application in JTSDK-QT are correctly build in Windows and work.
> I just wanted to know if I made some mistakes ..
> Thanks in advance
> 73 de IW3RAB Sandro
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Greg, KI7MT

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