On 23/09/2014 22:55, Laurie VK3AMA wrote:
Hi Laurie,
Tested with 1.3 and latest 1.4 rc1

The Hotkeys Alt 1-6 fail whenever the cursor is in an edit field of the WSJT-X window. Any edit field, not just the TX1-6 fields. The "Alt" gets consumed and the number (1 to 6) gets input into that field. Alt 1-6 work correctly if the cursor is not in an edit field. Other Alt Hotkeys are not affected by this behaviour and correctly perform their functions regardless of where the cursor is positioned.
That may be standard Windows behaviour, in an input field the Alt+number sequences are usually reserved for entering characters that are not on the users keyboard.

I'll have a look and see if there is a way of disabling that for WSJT-X.

de Laurie, VK3AMA
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