On 23/09/2014 23:43, Laurie VK3AMA wrote:
Hi Laurie,

Something weird with those hotkeys. Using Alt and the numeric-pad numbers works correctly, it is only when the numbers 1 to 6 across the top of the keyboard that the problem occurs.
OK, that makes some sense as it seems to consume all modifiers on the main keyboard and do something with them.

I can see a fix but it is very messy as I'd have to subclass all the input controls and grab their keyPressEvent and explicitly ignore the Alt+n keys.

For my purposes using the numeric pad numbers is trivial and I have already coded the JTMacros change.
OK I'll forget about this then as that seems solid and simple ;)

de Laurie, VK3AMA

On 24/09/2014 8:30 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
On 23/09/2014 23:24, Laurie VK3AMA wrote:
Hi Bill,
Hi Laurie,

I don't think this is Standard Windows behaviour.

I just tested about a dozen different Windows Apps, a mix of Microsoft and other developers. None of them reacted to an Alt number sequence when the cursor is in an edit field.
Maybe they don't react until three or more numbers have been entered. Possibly Qt is less forgiving.

Since these are hotkeys, I would have thought that the Hotkey code would just consume the hotkey combination and not pass it on to the edit field. That is what I do with any Hotkeys I define for apps I write.
It's not like that. They are not hot keys as such, we just filter key press events on the MainWindow widget and look for Alt+1 etc.. The problem is that if the widget with focus or any of its parents handle the key press event it never bubbles up to the MainWindow widget itself.

If this can't be corrected, I will code a workaround (this is for JTMacros) and just perform a mouse-click on the WSJT-X Band Activity or RX Frequency lists which removes the Cursor from the edit field and then issue the Alt number hotkey. That works but is a bit of a hack.
OK, I am still wading through the Qt code trying to find where the event is being consumed.

de Laurie, VK3AMA

On 24/09/2014 7:59 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
On 23/09/2014 22:55, Laurie VK3AMA wrote:
Hi Laurie,
Tested with 1.3 and latest 1.4 rc1

The Hotkeys Alt 1-6 fail whenever the cursor is in an edit field of the WSJT-X window. Any edit field, not just the TX1-6 fields. The "Alt" gets consumed and the number (1 to 6) gets input into that field. Alt 1-6 work correctly if the cursor is not in an edit field. Other Alt Hotkeys are not affected by this behaviour and correctly perform their functions regardless of where the cursor is positioned.
That may be standard Windows behaviour, in an input field the Alt+number sequences are usually reserved for entering characters that are not on the users keyboard.

I'll have a look and see if there is a way of disabling that for WSJT-X.

de Laurie, VK3AMA

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