Hi Bill,

I have internet issues something chronic at the moment. T-Bird said this
email failed to deliver like 5 times, so if you get multiples of it,
apologies for that :-)

I got your other mail about plugins as well. The next update can take
them out if not needed.

On 10/1/2014 19:48, Bill Somerville wrote:
> On 01/10/2014 20:43, KI7MT wrote:
>> i Joe, Bill,
> Hi Greg,
>> I've updated the jtsdk-cmake.bat file so it *does not copy* files over
>> to install\Debug\bin, rather, it sets paths to GCC, FFTW, QT5 and Hamlib
>> Dir's.
>> I wasn't sure if we needed hamlib3\minge32\{bin,lib} or not so I added
>> them nonetheless. If not, we can take that back out.

> I would leave that in, you only need the bin directory on PATH as that 
> is where the DLL gets installed. We don't currently use the DLL but it 
> is harmless and will become necessary when, eventually, we go to using 
> an official release of hamlib 3.

OK, sounds good.

>> It's running fine here. If you have any problems let me know, and I will
>> get it sorted out.
>> Bare in mind, the jtsdk-wsjtxrc.bat does not build Debug targets, only
>> release. If that is needed, I'll have to up update that script a fare
>> bit to accommodate the builds.
>> By the way, 10m JT65 is pretty hot at the moment.

> Hopefully a good number of v1.4 users. ~60 already reporting to 
> PSKReporter at the last update.

Yes, been watching that also.

>> 73's
>> Greg, KI7MT
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.
>> On 10/1/2014 18:35, Bill Somerville wrote:
>>> On 01/10/2014 19:18, KI7MT wrote:
>>>> Hi Bill,
>>> Hi Greg,
>>>> On 10/1/2014 18:06, Bill Somerville wrote:
>>>>> On 01/10/2014 18:41, Joe Taylor wrote:
>>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>>>> Greg --
>>>>>> I finally spent the necessary time to find out why builds of WSJT-X on
>>>>>> one of my shack computers stopped working, a couple of weeks ago.
>>>>>> Turns out that the machine in question has environment variable
>>>>>> LIBRARY_PATH set as follows, at login:
>>>>>> LIBRARY_PATH=c:\mingw\lib;c:\mingw\lib\gcc-lib\i686-pc-mingw32\4.0.3
>>>>>> Obviously this is not good for builds in the JTSDKs!
>>>>>> I suggest you put the following somewhere in jtsdk-qtenv.bat:
>>>>>>        SET LIBRARY_PATH=""
>>>>>> Does this make sense?
>>>>> It does to me.
>>>>> As an aside it is worth point out the library location strategy the the
>>>>> WSJT-X CMake build uses.
>>>>> For Debug configuration builds all shared libraries (including Qt
>>>>> plugins) are located automatically from the location they were found at
>>>>> during linking. This means that Debug installs are small and sparse but
>>>>> are not portable. This is true on all platforms. So no setting of
>>>>> variables should ever be needed. There is no need to copy any shared
>>>>> libraries into a WSJT-X debug install directory, the application will
>>>>> find the libraries just fine on its own. If you find that you need to
>>>>> copy in shared libraries or plugins then your Qt installation is
>>>>> probably broken, the easiest way to break a Qt installation is to move it.
>>>> So for the Debug builds, are you saying we don't need to copy the
>>>> runtime .dll's over too the install\bin directory ?
>>> Yes, that's the way it works for me.
>>> Yuck! I hate Windows. I've just checked using the dependency walker and
>>> it is indeed using PATH to locate the Qt debug DLLs at run time.
>>> I have my Qt bin directory in my PATH when I debug or run debug builds
>>> of WSJT-X. I think that is preferable to copying around the rather large
>>> debug DLLs and plugins. Having said that, you must have the same on your
>>> PATH at build time to get the Qt tools used by the build like moc, rcc,
>>> uic, dumpcpp and, qmake. I use the same PATH settings for building,
>>> running and, debugging.
>>> My initial statement is correct for Linux and Mac but on Windows it
>>> appears some help for the image loader is required.
>>>> I've been copying gcc & Qt5 runtime libs over because Qt5 is not in my
>>>> env %PATH% var (by design) otherwise I get Missing Lib errors when running.
>>> OK, I think you need to have the Qt bin directory in your path when you
>>> run Debug configured binaries. That's the way qt-project.org intend it
>>> to be.
>>>>> For Release configuration builds all shared libraries and Qt plugins are
>>>>> either installed by the install phase or on Linux located from the
>>>>> system directories in their "normal" place. Any fix ups needed to make
>>>>> the resulting package portable are done by the build process. So no
>>>>> environment variables should ever be needed. This applies to RPATH
>>>>> embedded in Linux executabes and shared libraries too.
>>>>> All of the above applies on all platforms.
>>>>>>  -- Joe
>>>>> 73
>>>>> Bill
>>>>> G4WJS.
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Greg, KI7MT

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