On 02/02/2015 04:18, KI7MT wrote:
> Hi Joe,
Hi Greg & Joe,
> Just FYI.
> Ubuntu 14.04+ provides both posix and openmp libraries if you want to
> test there ( static and shared ). The package is: libfftw3-dev.
I believe they both use pthreads (or native threads on Windows) for the 
actual threading implementation so I am hoping that the OpenMP version 
of FFTW3 will not be needed. The reason for that hope being that the 
OpenMP version of FFTW3 is not available in binary package form for all 
platforms and I'd rather not inflict building of FFTW on everyone who 
builds on those platforms (Windows in particular).
> File List: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/libfftw3-dev/filelist
> For Windows, I think you could tweak the fftw build script to generate a
> static pair of libs at least, possibly DLL's also.
I am not sure a static FFTW build is allowable in another package since 
it is GPL and not LGPL licensed.
> I don't know about Mac.
If I am right about being able to use the non OpenMP version of FFTW3 in 
the same program that uses OpenMP elsewhere then there will be nothing 
for you to do Greg as the existing WSJT-X CMake build will sort it all 
out once I commit the changes to find OpenMP and build some executables 
with OpenMP.
> 73's
> Greg, KI7MT
> On 02/01/2015 01:17 PM, Joe Taylor wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>>>> Note also that if we have success with using OpenMP elsewhere in the
>>>> program, we'll need to use an FFTW library compiled with
>>>> "--enable-openmp".
>>> I am hoping that is not the case and that normal multi-threaded FFTW3
>>> can be used in parallel to OpenMP, otherwise other builders of WSJT-X
>>> are going to have several hurdles to overcome.
>> OK.  We might also consider *not* using multi-threaded FFTs.  The
>> performance gain is not big.
>>> I am currently setting up the CMake build to build two versions of jt9,
>>> jt9 and jt9_omp which should be good for testing and development until
>>> we have a feel for if this all hangs together and has a performance
>>> benefit worth the price.
>> OK, sounds good.
>> I am presently making some more careful measurements of decoder speed
>> under various conditions.
>>      -- Joe
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