Hi Greg,

Can I be a real pain and ask for Fedora and/or Centos to be included?

Reason: All my systems are remote and will be connected to by RDP. (Microsoft 

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS fails this with Qt: XKEYBOARD not supported by X server.

In particular, because of Low Power needs, Fedora 21 on a headless Banana Pi.
(Where WSJT-X works)


On Mon, 16 Feb 2015 21:18:24 +0000 (UTC), Greg Beam wrote
> Hello All,
> I've been testing JTSDK on Linux (mainly Ubuntu) for some time now
> (as have opthers) and have finally gotten around to adding a tar.gz
> file for folks to test out. Bare in mind, there is allot of work to do still
> and this should be considered a work in progress, so expect a few
> anomalies at first.
> There is a short README and INSTALL.txt file included in the archive. I
> won't spell out the install instructions here, as I'd like to get feedback
> on the INSTALL.txt and process as a whole to see if things need
> fixing / updating / edits or whatever the case may be. Documentation is
> minimal at present, but will eventually land in the WSJT dev-guide when
> appropriate.
> Due to package variations between the various Distro versions, there is
> no immediate plan to create distribution files (.deb, .rpm etc) as the
> package management is being dealt with by autotools. This may change as
> the package matures.
> * Ubuntu .. 14.04 .. WSJT, WSPR, WSJTX/WSJTX-RC
> * Mint ....... 17.1 .... WSJT, WSPR, WSJTX/WSJTX/RC
> * Debian ... 8.0 ..... WSJTX/WSJTX-RC Only
> Note(s):
>  a). Ubuntu includes Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu
>  b). Due to package incompatibilities with Debian Jessie, WSJT
>  and WSPR will compile, but may give you runtime errors.
>  c). Additional distro's will be included as time allows.
> -Preview Link: http://preview.tinyurl.com/pyat8lo
> -Download: http://tinyurl.com/pyat8lo
> -SHA1: 34b12d5b9313b1271647003f1413b6ab3c5308c0
> -MD5SUM: f4e5063a1443114195068bf2cd5979d6
> a). Extract the tar.gz to a convenient location
> b). Follow instructions in INSTALL.txt
> As always, if you have problems with the JTSDK, please report them
> to the WSJT-Devel List: < wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net >
> 73's
> Greg, KI7MT


Man's greatest waste of time: Worshipping the wrong God. 
Consider Jesus. 
Alan Beard               Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today 
70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO OpenServer 5.0.X 
Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc.. 
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