Hi Alan,

I can't say exactly when, but CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Suse are on the list to
do. Most of the distro watch data sites I follow put those distros in
the top 10 for usage hits per day. The primary goal of the JTSDK(s) to
enable the use of Joe's applications on as many platforms as possible.
It only makes sense to get the major rpm based distros up and running as

My primary use distro is Debian based, which is why I chose
Debian/Ubuntu/Mint flavors first. That is not to say one is better or
worse than the other, rather, that is what I use so it made sense for me
to start there. Everyone has their favorite Linux Distro, but
personally, I think we should focus our resources on what will have the
biggest positive impact for end users first, then start working down to
sub-class distros.

There is allot of work to do in making the current JTSDK structure truly
robust. Another goal I have is to make JTSDK (for Linux) easy to expand
through the use of Autotools M4 modules at configuration time (
--with-distro= .. ..) and the remainder of the scripts remain focused on
applications build needs. This may not be the best approach, but it's a
start and will, if managed properly, provide a consistent and repeatable
application build. If anyone wants to join in and help, by all means,
make yourself / intension's known.

I understand the attraction to RDP, however, RDP or in the case of
Linux, XRDP, has no bearing / relevance to the application(s). As such,
XRDP is not, nor will it be, a build dependency any time soon, if ever,
unless Joe wants to incorporate it's use somehow.

JTSDK for Linux has very few core dependencies; Dialog, Bash, Coreutils,
AWK, Perl, most of which are installed by default or available through
the distro package manager with minimal fuss.

What would be most helpful would be to;

1. Provide a list of build dependencies for a given Distro / Version
combination based on a new standard desktop installation; one that an
average Ham Operator would install and / or use with Joe's applications.
This list should cover what is needed to build each of the 5
applications, runtime dependencies, the default package manager and any
special compiler needs / flags.

2. Look at / read through the ../src/m4 modules and put together a
module that works for a given Distro / Version. Adding the distro case
to configure.ac is fairly simple. All that is left at that point is
testing from a clean install.

I have a Fedora 2x installation on one my partitions, but I've just not
had a chance to work with it much and I've not used Fedora consistently
as a disto since the Core-4 days??? To say I'm a bit rusty with it is an
understatement, however, I do have have a fare amount of exposure to
CentOS servers for what that's worth. Whatever valid information you can
provide will only help in adding the rpm based distro's into the SDK
allot faster.

Greg, KI7MT

On 02/16/2015 09:23 PM, Alan VK2ZIW wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Can I be a real pain and ask for Fedora and/or Centos to be included?
> Reason: All my systems are remote and will be connected to by RDP. (Microsoft 
> mstsc.exe)
> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS fails this with Qt: XKEYBOARD not supported by X server.
> In particular, because of Low Power needs, Fedora 21 on a headless Banana Pi.
> (Where WSJT-X works)
> Alan VK2ZIW
> On Mon, 16 Feb 2015 21:18:24 +0000 (UTC), Greg Beam wrote
>> Hello All,
>> I've been testing JTSDK on Linux (mainly Ubuntu) for some time now
>> (as have opthers) and have finally gotten around to adding a tar.gz
>> file for folks to test out. Bare in mind, there is allot of work to do still
>> and this should be considered a work in progress, so expect a few
>> anomalies at first.
>> There is a short README and INSTALL.txt file included in the archive. I
>> won't spell out the install instructions here, as I'd like to get feedback
>> on the INSTALL.txt and process as a whole to see if things need
>> fixing / updating / edits or whatever the case may be. Documentation is
>> minimal at present, but will eventually land in the WSJT dev-guide when
>> appropriate.
>> Due to package variations between the various Distro versions, there is
>> no immediate plan to create distribution files (.deb, .rpm etc) as the
>> package management is being dealt with by autotools. This may change as
>> the package matures.
>> * Ubuntu .. 14.04 .. WSJT, WSPR, WSJTX/WSJTX-RC
>> * Mint ....... 17.1 .... WSJT, WSPR, WSJTX/WSJTX/RC
>> * Debian ... 8.0 ..... WSJTX/WSJTX-RC Only
>> Note(s):
>>  a). Ubuntu includes Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu
>>  b). Due to package incompatibilities with Debian Jessie, WSJT
>>  and WSPR will compile, but may give you runtime errors.
>>  c). Additional distro's will be included as time allows.
>> -Preview Link: http://preview.tinyurl.com/pyat8lo
>> -Download: http://tinyurl.com/pyat8lo
>> -SHA1: 34b12d5b9313b1271647003f1413b6ab3c5308c0
>> -MD5SUM: f4e5063a1443114195068bf2cd5979d6
>> a). Extract the tar.gz to a convenient location
>> b). Follow instructions in INSTALL.txt
>> As always, if you have problems with the JTSDK, please report them
>> to the WSJT-Devel List: < wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net >
>> 73's
>> Greg, KI7MT
> Alan
> Man's greatest waste of time: Worshipping the wrong God. 
> Consider Jesus. 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Alan Beard               Unix Support Technician from 1984 to today 
> 70 Wedmore Rd.           Sun Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux, SCO OpenServer 5.0.X 
> Emu Heights N.S.W. 2750  Routers, terminal servers, printers, terminals etc.. 
> +61 2 47353013 (h)       Support Programming, shell scripting, "C", assembler 
> 0414 353013 (mobile)     After uni, electr

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