Hi all,

This seems like a good time to remind everyone of the two main purposes 
of this "wsjt-devel" email reflector:

1. To facilitate communication among those contributing to the 
development of WSJT and its sister programs.

2. To provide a direct means for testers of the software to convey well 
documented bug reports and carefully thought out suggestions for program 
improvements to those writing the code and documentation.

A second email list known as "wsjtgroup" (wsjtgr...@yahoogroups.com) is 
the best place to request help in setting up your station, configuring 
the WSJT(-X, etc) program, and other user-to-user communications.  We 
(the developers) monitor that list also, and when necessary we provide 
help there.  But someone else with the same rig as yours may already 
have solved your problem, and that should be your first source for help.

Of course we are interested in bug reports on published versions of our 
programs.  To be most useful your report should describe your system and 
include sufficient information to enable one of us programmers to 
reproduce the bug.

Anyone is welcome to build and test development versions of the WSJT 
programs, using their open source code.  But please remember that 
unpublished program versions should be treated as works in progress: 
they are likely to be incomplete, and will almost certainly have bugs. 
Well documented reports of undesired behavior can still be useful -- 
especially if you have been closely following the development cycle and 
are familiar with what's going on.

Please make good use of the email archive tool at SourceForge,

With best wishes to all,

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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