Hi Joe and Bill,

I compiled WSJT SVN r5635 on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x86_64 box and
yes, the "fast" modes JTMS etc do not crash and do not gobble memory.

So, I guess, Fedora 21 uses later Python etc. libraries.

Earlier this year, when Fedora 21 first came out for ARMv7 (Pi and clones)
I did compile up WSJT, but obviously did not adequately test it.
I tested it today and the "fast" modes crash in the same way as
the Intel architecture.

As I see it, "Fedora" is THE "Red Hat" linux flavour.

They (Fedora) put a LOT of work into the ARM platform.
This allows ultra low power apps for balloons etc..

And, of course, remote sites on solar power.

As far as I know, you access to my ARM box here has not changed.
You have GUI via RDP. User: wsjtdev

Keep Smiling


On Sun, 28 Jun 2015 09:31:40 -0400, Joe Taylor wrote
> Hi Alan,
> On 6/28/2015 3:10 AM, Alan VK2ZIW wrote:
> > WSJT compiled from SVN r5635 crashes in modes JTMS, FSK441, ISCAT-A and
> > But, is fine on all JT65 and JT4 modes.
> >
> > Crash is a memory leak and, when "RES" memory (top) runs out, crash.
> > Takes 10 mins or less. Obvious with "top" system monitor.
> >
> > System: Fedora 21 x86_64 on ASRock QC5000-ITX motherboard.
> > (all standard dev tools)
> I don't presently have a Fedora-based machine.
> Under Windows and Ubuntu Linux I see no such bad behavior.  All WSJT 
> modes run as expected, over long times and with no evident memory leaks.
> Perhaps you can make some tests to isolate the code leading to a 
> memory leak on your system.  I note that your problem is with the 
> WSJT "fast modes" -- those for which the waterfall scrolls 
> horizontally.  That might be a good place to start your search.
> > Also, "idWarn" in wsjt.py is not defined.
> Is this causing a problem for you?  As far as I am aware the 
> functions using this variable perform as expected.
>       -- 73, Joe, K1jT
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