On 07/05/2016 16:45, Mark Turner (EI3KD) wrote:
I think we're talking at cross-purposes Bill - the "issue" described in
the second paragraph (that of the default auto-generated messages being
different for JT65 in WSJT-X vs WSJT) has nothing to do with the first
paragraph, and nothing to do with short codes? I'm confused now:)

Hi Mark,

Yes, you are correct. I was confusing OOO messages with short codes. I hope I have the following correct having briefly scanned the WSJT code.

The way OOO messages are encoded uses no message bits for the "report" and allows type 1 or type 2 compound callsigns to be used, that is not possible with dB style reports where the bits used to include the report do not leave enough for compound callsigns to be encoded. So in answer to your question "will WSJT-X support OOO messages" the answer is yes and implementing them will allow compound callsigns to be used in those messages.

I believe Joe is currently doing just that but I do not expect to be completed for while as other priorities prevail.


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