El 17/08/16 a las 19:57, George J Molnar escribió:
> Then, as some suggest, it might be a good time to consider retiring the 
> slider, while retaining the thermometer. Not a "stop the presses" 
> change, but it might be a good usability bump. Perhaps even a color 
> coded indication for the dB-impaired?

Just to point out a usage scenario where the slider can be useful: On
the HF bands, you can encounter very strong signals or not for each
period. If you're using a conventional receiver, you'll need to use its
AGC. Otherwise, the receiver will saturate if the RF gain is set too
high or you'll lose SNR in the periods where there are no strong signals
if the RF gain is set low enough to prevent saturation on strong
signals. At least, this is what seems to work best on my FT-817ND.

With this setup, the radio will present a constant audio output level
whenever there are strong signals. Therefore, you can adjust your
soundcard level (and perhaps any attenuation you have in front of it) to
make the level, say 90% of maximum when there are strong signals. The
soundcard will never clip, because the radio AGC prevents it.

When using this strategy, I find that I have to set the slider in WSJT-X
quite low to get 30dB when only receiving the noise floor. The level in
WSJT-X will only raise to 40dB when receiving strong signals, because
the AGC of the radio prevents a further increase.

Of course, the slider in WSJT-X doesn't make any difference in decoding
performance, but can be used to ensure a good level in the waterfall
without having to tweak the waterfall sliders (same effect can be
achieved with them, of course, but you have to tweak both the waterfall
and spectrum zero points).

At least, this is what I've being doing so far with my rig. Perhaps
others can suggest a better strategy for a conventional receiver and the
HF bands.


Dani EA4GPZ.

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