
I am trying to get WSPR-X into Fedora [1].

During the packaging I have found few issues:

- I had to apply the attached patch in order to compile the
code under Fedora, otherwise it wanted to link with the palir-02.dll

- in the SVN few source files had executable permission set

- files in SVN have mixed line endings, most of the files have LF,
but there are also files with CR + LF ending

- I wasn't sure which version the WSPR-X is, for the SVN revision
8046 the GUI app shows 0.9, but there is written 1.3 in the
CMakeLists.txt, so I marked it as SVN snapshot after the 0.9 release.

- during the build it created empty /usr/bin/kvasd file, so I didn't
package it

- the provided icon is very small (only 32 x 32 pixels), it would
be great to have 128 x 128 pixels PNG at least. If you don't have
resources to create it, I think our design team could help

- it's missing .desktop file, I created one (in attachment)

73! Jaroslav, OK2JRQ

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1487419

Attachment: wsprx.desktop
Description: application/desktop

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c5014d2..4c67a78 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ set (UISRCS
+# portaudio
+find_library (portaudio_LIBRARIES NAMES portaudio)
 # libfftw3 setup
 find_path (fftw3f_INCLUDES fftw3.f)
@@ -143,9 +148,9 @@ add_custom_target (kvasd DEPENDS contrib/kvasd${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX})
 qt5_wrap_ui (GENUISRCS ${UISRCS})
 add_executable (wsprx ${CXXSRCS} ${CSRCS} ${GENUISRCS} wsprx.rc)
-target_link_libraries (wsprx wsprximpl ${hamlib_LIBRARIES} ${fftw3f_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/palir-02.dll)
+target_link_libraries (wsprx wsprximpl ${hamlib_LIBRARIES} ${fftw3f_LIBRARIES} ${portaudio_LIBRARIES})
 if (WIN32)
-  target_link_libraries (wsprx)
+  target_link_libraries (wsprx ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/palir-02.dll)
   set_target_properties (wsprx PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE "${LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE} -mwindows")
 endif (WIN32)
 add_dependencies (wsprx kvasd)
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