Thanks Joe.  That's what I suspected, but its better coming from someone who
actually knows.

Dan – K4SHQ

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Taylor [] 
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 10:51 AM
To: WSJT software development <>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] WSJT-X 1.7.1 r8164

Hi Dan,

> I also have a question.  The FMT analysis program initially had an 
> error and referred to bad data.  The online manual does say to edit 
> the fmt.all file and remove bad data.  I did that and the analysis ran 
> without error.  I made a judgement call as to what constitutes “bad 
> data”, in this case anything more than 1.9 deviation was bad.  Is 
> there a better rule of thumb for “bad data”?

Happy to hear that you like the new capabilities for Frequency Calibration.

As for removing "bad data" from the file fmt.all: with a bit of accumulated
experience, your own judgment will continue to be the best guideline.

Data in the file look something like this (I have added the headings and
separator line):

   UTC      Freq CAL Offset  fMeas       DF    Level   S/N
           (kHz)  ?  (Hz)     (Hz)      (Hz)    (dB)   (dB)
14:35:09    660  1  1500  1500.890     0.890  -11.6   19.2  *
14:35:11    660  1  1500  1500.861     0.861  -16.4   39.7
14:35:13    660  1  1500  1500.859     0.859  -18.7   42.2

For each calibration-station frequency "Freq" (here 660 kHz), the measured
audio frequencies "fMeas" and frequency offsets "DF" will typically agree to
within 1 Hz or better -- usually *much* better. 
Delete any outliers.  Measurements with estimated S/N less than 20 dB will
be flagged with an asterisk.  These are worth examining individually,
because they might be bad.  The one flagged above is OK.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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