The missing manual :-)

As a thanks, I took a try at cleaning up the text formatting, and
re-attached the MS doc file for you.

THANKS again,


On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Hasan al-Basri <>

> Neal,
> That's why I wrote the attached. If you follow it, it will work.
> (I'm not a developer...I had to work through the instructions to end up
> with what I"m sending you.)
> If you  have RC3 1.80 WSJT-X, these instructions work perfectly.
> Lemme know how you make out.
> 73, N0AN
> Hasan
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 2:31 PM, Neal Pollack <> wrote:
>> I was unable to get the Frequency Calibration to work for me due
>> to multiple vague, unclear portions of the manual that must assume
>> the user was also the developer or had previously been shown how
>> to use it.
>> The following are questions, but they need to be clarified IN THE MANUAL,
>> not just in reply here.
>> *Problems:*
>> A.  In this portion:
>> * In the Working Frequencies box on the Settings → Frequencies tab,
>> delete any default frequencies forFreqCal mode that are not relevant for
>> your location. You may want to replace some of them with reliablyknown
>> frequencies receivable at your location.*
>> There is no description as to how many local station editions are
>> sufficient, or if we should delete
>> ALL frequencies that are difficult to receive locally.   How many WWV and
>> local broadcast stations
>> are enough?
>> B.   in this portion;
>> *To cycle automatically through your chosen list of calibration
>> frequencies, check Execute frequencycalibration cycle on the Tools menu.
>> WSJT-X will spend 30 seconds at each frequency. Initially nomeasurement
>> data is saved to the fmt.all file although it is displayed on screen, this
>> allows you tocheck you current calibration parameters.*
>>     1.  What mode does the transceiver need to be in?  Leave it in
>> USB-DATA mode, or change it?
>>     2.   Does the cycle really start when I select the Execute Cal menu
>> choice, or do I then need to
>>           check the MESAURE tick box on screen before it really starts?
>> C.  In this portion:
>> *To start a measurement session check the Measure option and let the
>> calibration cycle run for at leastone complete sequence. Note that, while
>> measuring, any existing calibration parameters are automaticallydisabled so
>> you may have to increase the FTol range if your rig is off freqeuncy by
>> more than a few Hertzin order to capture valid measurements.*
>> So, presumably the user is doing this calibration because they have NO
>> IDEA how far off their rig
>> might be.  So what is a safe/decent starting point for the FTol range for
>> new users?
>> D.  In this portion:
>> * With modern synthesized radios, small measured offsets from 1500 Hz
>> will exhibit a straight-line dependenceon frequency.* [Which is below
>> the graphic on page 68]
>> I am trying this for the first time with a Yaesu FT-DX3000 that I have
>> never used for digi-modes.
>> [My previous 4,000 QSOs with WSJT-X have been using an Icom 7300].
>> I notice the received carrier line at 2500 hz.  The graphic on page 68
>> shows the
>> received carrier lines at approx 1500 hz.
>> So it seems there is an approx 1,000Hz offset between my Yaesu FT-DX3000
>> VFO display
>> and the WSJT-X waterfall.    I don't see this on my Icom 7300.
>> So next, I went back to FT8 mode, and sure enough, at 7.074 Mhz there was
>> very little activity.
>> But if I turned the radio VFO knob to 7.075, the WSJT-X waterfall became
>> quite crowed as
>> expected.
>> Are there any other Yaesu FT-DX3000 users that can explain if this offset
>> is a Yaesu setting, menu,
>> or known feature of the Yaesu?
>> E.  In this portion:
>> *After running Execute frequency calibration cycle at least once with
>> good results, check and edit the filefmt.all in the log directory and
>> delete any spurious or outlier measurements.*[which is below the line
>> fitting graph
>> shown on page 69]
>> Two questions;
>>       1.  After running?   How do you stop it?   Cycling the Tools menu
>> or the on-screen measure tick box?
>>            I did manage to get the application to lock up more than once.
>>       2.  Delete any spurious measurement?   OK,  How do I know what is
>> considered a spurious measurement?
>>            After managing to stop or get the app to lock up, I  opened
>> fmt.all.  There is not an example extract of
>> the log shown in the doc, but mine has Df's that vary as much as +/- 18
>> hz.  What is normal?  Is that too much?
>> The doc should provide guidance to a first-timer on what would be
>> considered good data and why, so they
>> know what to delete and what to leave.
>>        3.  When I next select tools menu option Solve for Calibration
>> Parameters, I get a pop-up about
>> bad data.  I assume that is related to not knowing how to prune, per
>> above comments?
>> I hope this helps improve the manual for new users like myself.
>> Cheers,
>> Neal
>> N6YFM
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<<attachment: FreqCal_Procedure_WSJT-X_RC3_-rev2.doc>>

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