Tnx George -- This bug (visible only in MacOS, I believe) has been fixed in code revision r8646.

        -- Joe, K1JT

On 5/1/2018 11:57 AM, George Molnar wrote:
I’ve had this reproducible error occur a few times now. 1.90rc4 (8642) downloaded from the WSJT-X homepage crashes when command-double clicking on the FT8 wide graph to change DF only after at least one decode cycle has completed. I had not seen this before 8642.

OSX 10.13.5 beta, quad core i7 with 16 GB RAM.

Running: /Applications/ -s WSJT-X -w 1 -m 3 -e /Applications/ -a "/Users/georgemolnar/Library/Application Support/WSJT-X" -t /var/folders/6j/2m5xrjn13s7c7k9fqv7vmp040000gn/T/WSJT-X
At line 98 of file /Users/bill/src/wsjtx-svn/lib/decoder.f90 (unit = 19)
Fortran runtime error: Cannot open file 'fort.19': Permission denied

Error termination. Backtrace:
#0 0x10d134ab6
#1 0x10d135388
#2 0x10d1359ec
#3 0x10d1b5cca
#4 0x10d1aea5d
#5 0x1050f0f30
#6 0x1050cada2
#7 0x1050ca6a7
#8 0x10513fbae

*George J Molnar*
Washington, DC, USA
KF2T   -   @GJMolnar

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