A rubber clock feature would also be very helpful in situations where there is no internet connection available. Was one of the main reasons why I was using JT65-HF Comfort in earlier days.

73 de DG2YCB,

Am 15. Mai 2018 18:19:31 schrieb Rich - K1HTV <k1...@comcast.net>:

Notifying a station whose timing is at the edge of decoding limits is problematic because once his timing slips past the max tolerable limit, no helpful messages about his clock will be decoded by the station you are trying to alert.

If WSJT-X had a rubber clock feature which would temporarily speed up or slow down the computer clock by a number of seconds, then a message could be sent and decoded by those whose with inaccurate clocks.


Rich - K1HTV

= = =

PA5Y wrote:

This would be quite useful based on my recent observations on 6m. We all
suffer when someone inadvertently transmits across two periods. I have
on occasion sent something like

PA0XX CLOCK or indeed DL0XX, ON0XX and G0XXX of course 😊
It normally works but it feels wrong because the station does not know
who the message is from. I don't like doing it and it really is a last
resort. Other problem is TX distortion/overmodulation/wide signals.

Messages to cover that would be useful, after all no one want to radiate
a bad signal or cause unnecessary interference do they? We need a better
expression than PA0XX WIDE, it seems too confrontational.

I do hope that when conditions on 6m get even better that alternative
frequencies are used.


Conrad PA5Y

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