>> On Nov 13, 2018, at 14:23, Marco Calistri via wsjt-devel 
>> <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> Despite my great interest of testing RC4, I'm a bit worry about the
>> possibility to meet other stations in my area using the new FT8
>> protocol, may be this being easy in the USA but I guess will be more
>> difficult in other countries like Brazil.
> Perhaps you could explain why being in Brazil would make it harder to use the 
> new FT8 protocol over the older version? 
> Gary - AG0N
Hi Gary,

That is _not_ specifically due the fact I'm in Brazil or even better we
could consider in this aspect all the Latin America, where in any case
there are certainly less stations using most recent WSJT-X releases, in
comparison with USA*, which are "almost always beyond the others in this
kind of matters" and are numerically greater in terms of ham-stations,
but further due the fact my antenna system is really modest and it
doesn't allows me to receive everyone from everywhere.

Just for your information, yesterday after I installed latest RC4 on my
Linux box, I have been able to decode just _one_ US station on 14 MHz
(NS9I), despite many signals were present on band, for this reason I
rolled back to 1.9.1 (temporarily).

(*) Go to http://www.pskreporter.info/ and check yourself how many
stations are using RC4 so far and from where they are.
73 de Marco, PY1ZRJ
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