Hello to the Dev team,
  with the impeding release of version 2.0 'gold' in December I have
started to put threads into some of the more active local forums in VK to
alert those who may not know that a new MAJOR update of WSJT-X is coming
and that FT8 and MSK modes will be changing. I have requested that each
reader of the thread to consult the version 2.0 document on the WSTJ web
site to stay in touch with developing news.

I would guess the DEV team are busy with the finishing touches and tests of
version 2.0 and may not have a fully formed release strategy in mind but
thought I should ask is there more that can be done by us non dev Ham's on
your behalf to help out ?

Peter, vk5pj
wsjt-devel mailing list

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