Aside from contesting, sorting the block of ‘band activity’ pane decodes within 
each cycle would be useful for regular DXing too, sorting them by sender’s 
callsign, frequency, strength, distance or whatever.  A full time auto-sort 
would be nice if there are enough CPU cycles free but for the odd occasions 
when I’m hunting back through the decodes for something specific, a ‘click now 
to sort’ on-demand sorter would work too, or even a search function.

[This has been raised before.  It is another user interface enhancement 
suggestion, low priority, incompletely specified as yet, just something to add 
to the long list for some rainy day in the future.  Maybe.]

Gary  ZL2iFB



From: Mark James <> 
Sent: 30 November 2018 09:19
To: WSJT software development <>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] on dupes


Maybe it would help if there was a setting to keep the contest window sorted by 
callsign. This might not help as much once that list gets very large, but I 
think it would help the casual contester. (This is a suggestion for a future 
release, not 2.0)




On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 1:20 PM John Harper < 
<> > wrote:

Yes, I did. After a dozen or so contacts (many from the same call area) it 
became hard to remember who I'd worked and therefore difficult to see an

in-progress QSO about to end and know whether I should call the station or not 
rather than waiting for him to call CQ again.


Color coding in a future version would add much to the feasibility of using FT8 
in a major contest like CQ-WPX, Field Day and others. Without it, such contests 
will contain logs with many dupes.


Everything worked well and as expected as I took turns between calling CQ and 


V20. -rc5, Windows 10 laptop

Apache Anan-10e, amp, 40 watts, dipole up 110ft




John AE5X

>I wonder if anyone has reverted to the old fashioned dupe sheet 
>techniques using a pen and paper?

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