On 04/12/2018 23:07, Ed Muns wrote:

If your goal with a PDF is to print, that can be done direct from the html.  And, it comes out perfectly formatted.  In my Chrome browser, I simply right-click the html manual and select ‘Print’ on the menu that comes up.  For me, it was 56 pages (28 sheets, double sided) in portrait orientation.

If you really want a PDF file, then still use the browser print function and direct it to a PDF create application. There are a number of freeware ones that work fine.


Hi Ed,

the WSJT-X User Guide is generated from a basic markup language (AsciiDoctor) which is translated into DocBook XML format and from that either HTML or PDF renderings can and are generated by the application build scripts, it is all automated. The PDF renderings done that way have properly formed tables of contents and could have an index as well if desired. The HTML renderings are different from the PDF renderings in these aspects by taking advantage of the richer content at the DocBook XML level. The PDF renderings are optimized for online display but with a good dead tree rendering as well if required.

Although we are not currently taking advantage of it, the document generation process is capable of generating localized versions for alternate languages that will be automatically displayed from the Menu-Help options. No one who has offered translations has yet responded to my request to do so in the original markup.

While I mention that, we can also internationalize the application UI, the authoring tools for that are in place as well. One day perhaps someone with the required language and domain knowledge will have a go at using them to contribute GUI strings for some popular languages.

If anyone is interested, the original markup text for the RC5 version (which is basically still the v1.9 User Guide at present) can be see here:



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