Try turning it on its head, Paul.  Pre-decide NOT to transmit on the next cycle 
by deselecting Enable Tx during the current cycle … unless you spot something 
in the decodes that makes you change your mind, in which case you reselect 
Enable Tx.


Slightly delayed transmissions are generally decoded OK.  You have about 5 
seconds to make your mind up.  Beyond that, your transmissions may not be 
decoded (but you might still be lucky!). 


[Another handy thing about delayed starts is that you can see whether your 
transmit frequency is busy or clear during the periods when you would otherwise 
be transmitting.]


We’re not saying your change proposal is unnecessary, unhelpful or not a good 
idea, simply offering a pragmatic workaround that gives most of the user 
benefit with none of the development costs.   

Gary  ZL2iFB


From: Paul Kube <> 
Sent: 18 January 2019 11:05
To: WSJT software development <>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Short Tx inhibits decode...


Gary and Gary,


But I want to stop transmitting near the start of a cycle, and still see 
decodes from that cycle. As you point out, deselecting Enable doesn't do that. 


The problem arises when I don't know whether I want to continue transmitting 
until I see the decodes from a cycle. For examples: I called a station off 
frequency, and I see they didn't hear me and I'd rather not call again. Or, I'm 
calling CQ, see no replies, and I don't want to CQ again. It takes me a second 
or two to look at the decode list and decide I want to listen instead of 
transmit. So autosequence has me transmitting a little into the start of the 
next cycle, but I want to stop and see decodes in that cycle instead.


Both of those examples could be handled better and faster by options within 
WSJT-X, so if that were implemented with checkboxes I'd be pretty happy. 
(Already happens with on-frequency calls to a CQing station.) Which might be 
easier than modifying the decode code to handle starting late in a cycle, I 
don't know.


73, Paul K6PO


On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 1:43 PM Gary Hinson < 
<> > wrote:



Try deselecting Enable Tx prior to the start of the next cycle instead of 
hitting the Halt Tx button.  Think of the Halt Tx button as a big angry red 
emergency stop button that slams the brakes on and drops everything.  It drops 
the anchor. 


Deselecting Enable TX is not so abrupt, and not so tight on timing: if you 
deselect it at any point in a transmission, the remainder of that transmission 
continues to the end as normal but your next transmission doesn’t happen.  It’s 
more elegant.  More refined.  Less screeching of tyres.  


Find this and other pragmatic tips in the FT8 Operating Guide 
<> .



Gary   ZL2iFB



From: WB5JJJ < <> > 
Sent: 18 January 2019 10:12
To: WSJT software development < 
<> >
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Short Tx inhibits decode...


I've noticed that as well.  Been this way for many versions back.  Once the Tx 
cycle has been initiated (i.e. odd or even Tx has started), and if you then 
click Halt Tx, the radio will go to receive, the WF will show the signals, but 
none are decoded for the aborted Tx cycle.  At the start of the next cycle, all 
is normal.  


WB5JJJ - George


On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 3:01 PM Paul Kube < 
<> > wrote:


If I cancel my own transmission right at the beginning of a cycle, I see no 
decodes at all for that cycle.


For example, say I'm CQing on even cycles. After a couple, I decide I want to 
stop CQing if I don't get any replies, so I hit Halt Tx as soon as I see the 
list of decodes from a just-finished odd cycle. Maybe I am transmitting for a 
second or two into the adjacent even cycle; but there are never any decodes 
from it at all even when lots of signals are present in the waterfall.


Naively, it seems to me that this doesn't need to happen. I often see FT8 
decodes for stations that start late -- as much as 4 seconds late -- in a 
cycle. So why does missing the first second or two prevent decoding anything? 


If this could be changed, it would be nice. A few of those wasted 15 seconds 
add up!


Thanks, and 73,


Paul K6PO





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