The fact that the two signals are almost exactly 120Hz apart indicates that 
60Hz power noise is mixing with the audio somewhere on the signal path.

Since it sounds like multiple people are hearing ghosts from that one station, 
my bet would be that the problem is with the transmitted audio.

On Jan 20, 2019, at 23:12, Mike Lewis 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Philip

One possibility is multiple decodes from extra strong signal and likely an 
overdriven transmitter.  That +13 next to a -15 is a good indicator that the 
-15 is a splatter kind of signal.  I have seen some with 3 or 4 decodes, all 
within a few hundred hertz.

I also get it when I have multiple laptops on the same radio line out cable or 
multiple WSJT-X instances running on the same computer. The monitor-only 
instances decoded during the transmit period and are reporting out.  In my case 
it was +18 though usually without sidebands here. After seeing this I now turn 
off PSK reporter in the monitor instances, as well as in JTAlert for those 
instances.   If you search for K7MDL spots in the last week I have been 
experimenting using my sub receiver with a 2nd instance of WSJT-X and JTAlert. 
You will likely find some odd 6M spots matching my transmissions on the low 

Additionally, since the 2nd and 3rd+ instances are not connected to the radio, 
they do not change band info, so more than once I had the wrong band reported 
for the spots it did make.  Now I try to make it a routing to disable spotting 
for non-rig connected instances.

  *   Mike K7MDL

From: Philip Gladstone 
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2019 22:34
Subject: [wsjt-devel] Puzzling behaviour in packets sent to pskreporter

I notice that I am getting a bunch of duplicates in the packets (as seen in the 
raw packet captures) being sent to pskreporter. For example:

WE6Z reported seeing KG7VOR twice at Jan 21, 2019 03:03:29. The only 
differences were:

One entry had Frequency 1841279 with snr -15
Another had Frequency 1841400 with snr of 13

In fact there were 9 spots of KG7VOR in the same packet (at five difference 

This is not limited to a few cases, but it appears a fair amount.

At the same time, I'm getting comments from people that not all of their spots 
are being reported -- so I'm wondering if this duplication is actually a 
symptom of something more serious....


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