Wireless is not a good choice for SDRs via ethernet....not surprised you have 
Can you try your Pro 5 with a USB network adapter and see if behaves on a wired 
connection to your LAN?
And are you running SmartSDR with 48kHz sampling?  Or you doing something 
higher than that?
de Mike W9MDB


    On Wednesday, February 6, 2019, 8:11:47 AM CST, Bill Barrett 
<w2pky...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hello Mike-I have the FLEX 6700 on a small dedicated LAN with Win7 Pro I7 
computer and wireless router that works just fine.I also have a Surface Pro 5 
running Win10 Pro that can access the 6700 through FLEX DAX & CAT apps over the 
wireless LAN.Recently started DAX, CAT and WSJT-X 2.0.0 on the SP 5, saw 
activity on DAX Panel and  WSJT-X volume monitor but no decodes.The short of 
it, turned on "Listen" in the Sound > Recording > DAX Audio channel 1 and heard 
total distortion and dropouts.Rebooted the SP5 and audio cleared up but 
occasionally there would be multiple 1 second dropouts [3 or 4 in a row].Had 
Process Hacker running and AUDIODG.exe would be the top CPU process when the 
dropouts occurred.Normally DAX is the top CPU process followed by 
AUDIODG.exe.Noted even when the priority of DAX and AUDIODG.exe were elevated 
to REALTIME the dropouts still interrupted the audio stream.There so either 
AUDIODG.exe is in a loop or something "undiscoverable" is holding up that 
process.Would like to have your test version. Thanks;Bill W2PKY

On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 8:17 AM Black Michael via wsjt-devel 
<wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

If any of you are seeing one of these symptoms.
#1 No decodes when signals are present on the waterfall...decode button will 
just "flash".  This indicates no WAV file was saved.#2 During decode having to 
click Enable Tx or such to get decodes to start working.#3 Any audio glitches 
or other behavior that indicates audio problems.
Please contact me for some testing...been doing a lot of audio testing and 
finding different solutions...no one solution seems to be in hand yet.
But...I've got a test version of WSJT-X that should tell you when you have 
audio problems.  First step is recognizing you have a problem :-)
de Mike W9MDB

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