I have a great idea on how to solve this problem. Why don't one of you sit down 
at your computer and write some code so this isn't a problem any more. After 
all it is open source as long as you follow the GNU GPL.

I'm sure the dev group has better things to do then just because some want a 
SNR instead of a grid square during a contest. Do you think they just program 
WSJT software and don't have lives outside of ham radio?

For a very small dev group they do one hell of a job. I been using WSJT since 
around 2001 when it was JT44 and FSK441 and have no problems clicking a couple 
of times to use contest modes to complete a QSO.

At this point I just want to think everybody on the dev team for great FREE 
software. Keep up the great work.


On Jul 23, 2019 2:52 PM, Rich Zwirko - K1HTV <k1...@comcast.net> wrote:

Your idea of switching from the contest configuration to the one used for 
normal operation looks good on paper, but there is a problem. When the normal 
configuration comes up, the callsign of the station you were working is 
replaced by the call of the last station you worked with the normal operating 
configuration. None of the message boxes will have the callsign of the station 
your were just working.  And I'll bet a doughnut that most guys won't remember 
who they were working after switching to the 'Normal' WSJT-X configuration.

If after 2 or 3 repeats from the other station, the best thing to do is to 
switch sequences and start calling CQ. If you stay in the same sequence and 
call CQ, you will end up responding again with calls and report to that same 
station, unless he aborts the QSO.

Rich - K1HTV

= = =

From:   Laurie, VK3AMA

Simple and only requires a single mouse click. Setup two configurations
in WSJT-X, one for you desired contest and the other non-contest. Once
setup, it is a single click using the "Configuration" menu to switch
between contest and non-contest.

de Laurie VK3AMA

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