
Smooth … Very smooth be the 2.2.0 rc1 from compilation under the Windows JTSDK 
3.1 with “master” Hamlib release and Qt 5.14.2

No deprecation or fall-through warnings … just the odd initialisation warning.

Very-very smooth gents. More than amazing !!! WELL DONE !!!!

I thank all the core development team for this amazing effort !!!

73 and congratulations !

Steve I

From: Stephen Ireland <>
Sent: Monday, 11 May 2020 6:35 AM
To: WSJT software development <>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Coming soon: WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc1


Thanks for the response as it is highly appreciated not just by me but I am 
sure that the many asking these questions of me for guidance with appreciate 
your response.

Yes Qt 5.13 does have defects … and in my informed opinion MUST NOT BE USED! 
Yet the JTSDK is not mine to go tinkering with too heavily; all I do is provide 
guidance to and examples for many (frustrated others) that are keen to 
understand – keen to get The JTSDK 3.1 building code. Greg KI7MT does refer to 
5.13.0 – when some mirrored installer repositories across the planet only 
guarantee all versions of the LTS versions (all 5.12.x series) and the latest 
of the 5.13 and 5.14 series Qt SDK’s !

The decision for my educational “experimental” scripts to reference the master 
repositories was also based on suggestions received background from lots of 
sources. There are many hundreds of Amateurs and non-Amateurs alike that use 
the JTSDK not just for WSJT-X development …  SDK’s I believe should be 
standardised to “master” releases of libraries and support code. Just to 
compliment the HAMLIB developer team, I find that current “master” code 
provides infinitely better support for many common radios (i.e. the FT-991 that 
I use here).

Likewise software should always be standardised to “snapshotted” libraries and 
versions of those standard libraries. If one chooses to use later versions, 
then well and good  - but at their own risk and should expect grrr’s from 
support communities !

Some of the issues I have noted that frustrate many here in the “WSJT Software 
Developers” lists are related to people NOT using standard versions of 
packages; you and Joe have said almost tirelessly that standard versions of 
packages for developing “JT-mode code” on Windows are the JTSDK 3.0 and 3.1 . 
Work there has been static … and I have just provided some experimental 
resources to kick off other HAM’s learning processes.

I fully compliment you on, acknowledge, note and had already observed that your 
HAMLIB repository synchronises with the master repository…

With regards to the JTSDK I have stated repeatedly I do not want to tinker too 
much with Greg KI7MT’s work and add in new facilities… I loathe “forking” 
anyone’s repo unless it becomes extremely necessary (and I will NOT do it 
alone). Amateurs mostly are of age or have health issues; what happens if 
someone “falls off the perch”? Forking a project as we know creates minefields 
with referencing, acknowledgements etc. Putting my “experiments” into a 
GIT-pull is difficult (yet not insurmountable) as some replacement scripts need 
to be put into end-user MSYS2 home directories – names that are NOT 
standardised across User’s Windows Environs. Tricks and mess is what I am 
trying to avoid.

All new that I have added in is a “whome” DOSKEY to take you to the base of the 
C:\JTSDK64\tmp\wsjtx directory to assist with wsjtx and jtdx “git pull” 
commands. In my opinion that has even crossed the mark !!!

Based on your clear advisory here I may need to (reluctantly) demonstrate Greg 
KI7MT’s techniques and demonstrate a “” script that searches for 
a “marker file” in the JTSDK profile directory for JTSDK 3.0 and 
“C:\JTSDK64-Tools\config” for JTSDK 3.1 that indicates whether Hamlib 
repositories are to be pulled from your GIT fork or from the master repository 
in a later “experiment” release – when time permits.

PLEASE do not take what I am about to say the wrong way as it is not an attack 
at your work or what you are doing  … really we only should be pulling key 
library code from one source as having mixtures of library code with slightly 
different interfaces can have long lasting and unforeseen consequences down the 
track (as we all have experienced in the past) !

I restate that my interest in this was sparked as I customise WSJT-X (and JTDX) 
for VERY disabled people that I work with; I also use the JTSDK for other 
projects that I work on. I am far from alone in using it this way.

Source, in my opinion, should not be released compliant with standardised 
“bastardised” sets of libraries - though a “reference” snapshot (provided with 
the source) at a particular point in time is always a great idea !
Code should always be maintained and compatible with the latest library 
enhancements; likewise libraries should never stray from core functions !

73 and again thanks. Keep up the amazing work !

Steve I

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