Hi all,

I know that like me, some of you enjoyed today's excellent multi-hop sporadic E opening across the Atlantic. It was an excellent test of the original design goals of FT8, and more recently also FT4.

Over a span of several hours I completed 76 QSOs with European stations. Of these 37 were with FT8 on 50.313 (mostly) or 50.323 MHz. The remaining 39 QSOs used FT4 on 50.318, and took place in just 44 minutes.

I strongly recommend that for such openings in the future you should try FT4. It's twice as fast as FT8, with only a 3 dB penalty on the AWGN channel. The sensitivity penalty is even less on a fading channel.

Today's conditions also provided an excellent chance to take advantage of good operating practices. As recommended, most European stations transmitted "in the "1st/Even" sequence in both FT4 nd FT8. North American stations transmitted in second sequence. This procedure minimizes QRN from strong local stations and helps everyone to work DX.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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