Hi Rob,

Thanks for your attention to issues of proper attributions and licensing on the wsprdaemon.org web site.

As Bill already reported, it would be best for the web page to make clear not only the terms under which our wsprd is used by your wsprdaemon, but also that wsprdaemon itself is licensed under GPLv3.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

On 10/9/2020 11:35 AM, Rob Robinett wrote:
Hi Joe,

I have just checked in wsprdaemon V2.10e which adds display of the GPL license and an acknowledgement of its dependence on WSJT-x  each time it is started and it the -h help menu. In addition, we have modified the wsprdaemon.org <http://wsprdaemon.org> home web page to include that information as well. Please let me know if these changes are not sufficient to meet the GPL requirements.

I'm sorry for the delays in making those changes.
I am leading a volunteer project to bring high speed Internet access to rural native Hawaiinan students so they can join their Zoom class when school resumes next Monday.  As a result,  WD work is currently my second priority.



On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 7:07 PM Joe Taylor <j...@princeton.edu <mailto:j...@princeton.edu>> wrote:

    Rob --

    On 10/7/2020 7:45 PM, Rob Robinett AI6VN wrote:

     > Thanks for the reminder about the license and I have added the
     > to build V2.10e.
     > WD is my first open source project, so I welcome all guidance on

    Start by reading the GPLv3 license, the license under which you wish to
    use our software.

    You might proceed next to "How to use GNU licenses for your own
    software", here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.en.html

    In addition to the full license, it's easy to find summaries and
    explanatory guides to it, on the web.

    Please tell us where to find license information on
    http://www.wsprdaemon.org/ or https://github.com/rrobinett/wsprdaemon .

    Such information as well as acknowledgments of copyrights should be
    prominently displayed.  I still don't see any such information,
    on the above sites.

     >  From the jt9 help menu, it appears that I can use it to expand
    WD to
     > decode almost all modes except wspr.  But it appears that on
    bands where
     > there might be both wspr and FST4W beacons I will need to process
     > wav file twice.   Doing that will surely tax the ARM CPUs in the PIS
     > used at most WD sites.

    One of the main purposes of open source software -- especially that
    a hobbyist motivation like that of WSJT-X -- is to provide starting
    points for further development by others.  It's there for you to use as
    you see fit, with proper attribution and within its stated copyright
    licensing restrictions.

             -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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Rob Robinett
r...@robinett.us <mailto:r...@robinett.us>
mobile: +1 650 218 8896

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