WSJT-X ver 2.2.2

I learned from an on-line discussion that [Escape] could be used to clear 
messages.   This morning I pressed Escape intending to clear the messages but 
the Wide Graph window was closed.

I attempted to open the On Line User Guide from WSJT-X help menu.  It returned  
"The requested URL /pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx-doc/wsjtx-main_en_US-2.2.2.html was not 
found on this server."

I went to the WSJT-X site and opened the PDF version of the 2.2.2 User Guide 
and searched for "escape".  There were no hits.

Is Escape intended to close the Wide Graph window when it has focus and, if so, 
where is that documented?

Thanks and 73,
Andy, k3wyc

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