
You can dig into get more details/information out of WSJT-X to verify your hamlib and your interfaces settings/responses from your console/command prompt:

/usr/bin/rigctld -m 1021(¹) -r /dev/FT-100_USB1(²) -p /dev/FT-100_USB0(³) -t 4532 -s 4800 -vvvvv

(¹) = The model of your radio, for you is 1027!

(²)=The serial interface you use for CAT interface

(³)= The serial interface you use for your PTT (if any)

More details: /usr/bin/rigctld -h

marco@linux-turion64:~> rigctld -h
Usage: rigctld [OPTION]...
Daemon serving COMMANDs to a connected radio transceiver or receiver.
  -m, --model=ID                select radio model number. See model list
  -r, --rig-file=DEVICE         set device of the radio to operate on
  -p, --ptt-file=DEVICE         set device of the PTT device to operate on
  -d, --dcd-file=DEVICE         set device of the DCD device to operate on
  -P, --ptt-type=TYPE           set type of the PTT device to operate on
  -D, --dcd-type=TYPE           set type of the DCD device to operate on
  -s, --serial-speed=BAUD       set serial speed of the serial port
  -c, --civaddr=ID              set CI-V address, decimal (for Icom rigs only)
  -t, --port=NUM                set TCP listening port, default 4532
  -T, --listen-addr=IPADDR      set listening IP address, default ANY
  -C, --set-conf=PARM=VAL       set config parameters
  -L, --show-conf               list all config parameters
  -l, --list                    list all model numbers and exit
  -u, --dump-caps               dump capabilities and exit
  -o, --vfo                     do not default to VFO_CURR, require extra vfo arg
  -v, --verbose                 set verbose mode, cumulative (-v to -vvvvv)
  -W, --twiddle_timeout         timeout after detecting vfo manual change
  -x, --uplink                  set uplink get_freq ignore, 1=Sub, 2=Main
  -Z, --debug-time-stamps       enable time stamps for debug messages
  -h, --help                    display this help and exit
  -V, --version                 output version information and exit
Commands (some may not be available for this rig):
F: set_freq        (Frequency)         f: get_freq        ()
M: set_mode        (Mode,Passband)     m: get_mode        ()
I: set_split_freq  (TX Frequency)      i: get_split_freq  ()
X: set_split_mode  (TX Mode,TX Passband) x: get_split_mode  ()
K: set_split_freq_mode(TX Frequency,TX Mode,TX Passband)              k: get_split_freq_mode()
S: set_split_vfo   (Split,TX VFO)      s: get_split_vfo   ()
N: set_ts          (Tuning Step)       n: get_ts          ()
L: set_level       (Level,Level Value) l: get_level       (Level)
U: set_func        (Func,Func Status)  u: get_func        (Func)
P: set_parm        (Parm,Parm Value)   p: get_parm        (Parm)
G: vfo_op          (Mem/VFO Op)        g: scan            (Scan Fct,Scan Channel)
A: set_trn         (Transceive)        a: get_trn         ()
R: set_rptr_shift  (Rptr Shift)        r: get_rptr_shift  ()
O: set_rptr_offs   (Rptr Offset)       o: get_rptr_offs   ()
C: set_ctcss_tone  (CTCSS Tone)        c: get_ctcss_tone  ()
D: set_dcs_code    (DCS Code)          d: get_dcs_code    ()
?: set_ctcss_sql   (CTCSS Sql)         ?: get_ctcss_sql   ()
?: set_dcs_sql     (DCS Sql)           ?: get_dcs_sql     ()
V: set_vfo         (VFO)               v: get_vfo         ()
T: set_ptt         (PTT)               t: get_ptt         ()
E: set_mem         (Memory#)           e: get_mem         ()
H: set_channel     (Channel)           h: get_channel     (Channel,Read Only)
B: set_bank        (Bank)              _: get_info        ()
J: set_rit         (RIT)               j: get_rit         ()
Z: set_xit         (XIT)               z: get_xit         ()
Y: set_ant         (Antenna,Option)    y: get_ant         (AntCurr)
?: set_powerstat   (Power Status)      ?: get_powerstat   ()
?: send_dtmf       (Digits)            ?: recv_dtmf       ()
*: reset           (Reset)             w: send_cmd        (Cmd)
W: send_cmd_rx     (Cmd,Reply)         b: send_morse      (Morse)
?: stop_morse      ()                  ?: wait_morse      ()
?: send_voice_mem  (Voice Mem#)        ?: get_dcd         ()
?: set_twiddle     (Timeout (secs))    ?: get_twiddle     ()
?: uplink          (1=Sub, 2=Main)     ?: set_cache       (Timeout (msecs))
?: get_cache       ()                  2: power2mW        (Power [0.0..1.0],Frequency,Mode)
4: mW2power        (Pwr mW,Freq,Mode)  1: dump_caps       ()
3: dump_conf       ()                  ?: dump_state      ()
?: chk_vfo         ()                  ?: set_vfo_opt     (Status)
?: halt            ()                  ?: pause           (Seconds)

In interactive mode prefix long command names with '\', e.g. '\dump_state'
The special command '-' is used to read further commands from standard input
Commands and arguments read from standard input must be white space separated,
comments are allowed, comments start with the # character and continue to the
end of the line.
Report bugs to <>.


--- 73 de Marco, PY1ZRJ (former IK5BCU)

Il 21/12/20 10:32, Andras Bato ha scritto:
I have switched back to CW now.
Let me wait for WSJT-X 2.3.0
Then, I am going to investigate the problem again.
Have a nice Christmas!
Andras HA6NN

On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 1:41 PM Bill Somerville <> wrote:

I do not see any record of a rig control issues reported by you on this list. Perhaps you can share the details so a resolution can be found?


On 21/12/2020 09:34, Andras Bato wrote:
Thank you so much, Mike.
I haven't got any written details about the possible difference so far.
The hard truth was when MSHV was working nicely with my FT450D
and WSJT-x reported rig failure.
Andras HA6NN

On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 11:47 PM Black Michael via wsjt-devel <> wrote:
There's no practical difference between the 450 and 450D
The 450D is recognized to be the same as the 450.

I'll contact you off-line about debugging the problem.

Mike W9MDB

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