On 3/4/21 at 10:47 AM, dsm...@mypchelp.com (David Smith) wrote:

3) Using other devices or software to do this for you adds complexity that
isn't necessary; ntpd, chrony, GPS, all of these add new dependencies and
fiddles/adjustments that make using WSJT more complicated to use.

Also, these approaches will change the system clock, which may be undesirable.

4) Really the main problem to solve here is portable operation.  Adding
more software, or more hardware, to solve this problem uses more power and
reduces battery life.

The other problem is a rare DX station whose clock is seriously (>1 sec) off. I want to contact it, not the rest of the crowd, so being able to set the clock to match its clock is an obvious solution.

73 Bill AE6JV

Bill Frantz        | I like the farmers' market   | Periwinkle
(408)348-7900 | because I can get fruits and | 150 Rivermead Rd #235 www.pwpconsult.com | vegetables without stickers. | Peterborough, NH 03458

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