On 3/6/21 5:28 PM, Charles Suckling wrote:

Hi Charles and all,

I just built it here. What differences do you see?

I started my investigation at the time as I have got an error message while trying to build the user manual using asciidoctor-pdf. The message says that the image file

./doc/user_guide/en/images/Q65_6m_ionoscatter.png is missing. I have tried to get this file using git in order be in synchronisation with the repo. This file was not on the repo.

Then I have examinated the user guide on…

https://www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx-doc/wsjtx-main-2.4.0-rc2.html. I was looking to the place where this missing file should be inserted on. On the document from the www.physics.princeton.edu site, there is an image at this place, but it's related to 2m, not to 6m. Therefore, it's not the same image. Further, I have found, that the text just above the image is different. My conclusion was that the two documents are different. Joe has just confirmed my observation in his previous message.

Best wishes,
Claude (DJ0OT)

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