Has anyone experienced exaggerated dB signal reports given by WSJT-X to
decoded FT8 signals of stations transmitting tone frequencies below 500 Hz?
I use a K3 with 2.8 KHz filter using WSJT-X Version 2.5.0 . I have also
seen this in earlier versions.

When stations using low audio tones are decoded, the signal levels that
WSJT-X gives them far exceeds the levels given to signals with higher
frequency tones of equal intensity level observed visually on the wide

I have run the “Measure Reference Spectrum” tool on a quiet frequency and
have the “Ref Spec” checkbox on the Wide Graph checked. This didn’t resolve
the noted anomaly. I first observed this on Foxes running 3 or 4 streams
using tones below 500 Hz with the lower tones appearing a few DB stronger
than the higher tones.

Any idea as to why this may be happening.


Rich – K1HTV
wsjt-devel mailing list

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