This dinner is now scheduled, thanks to 26 RSVPs so far.  There are still 
plenty of seats left but I need to know ASAP and receive payment by 7 May.  
Everyone is welcome.  There is no formal program unless someone steps forward.  
We can enjoy the social gathering and regale each other with trash talk about 
our operating endeavors.



*       Pork Porterhouse (Seasoned Pork Tenderloin Chop served with Green Apple 
and Pineapple Relish, topped with a Mustard Demi Glaze)

*       Red Skin Potatoes

*       Chef’s Choice of Seasonal Vegetable

*       Rolls/Butter

*       Chef’s Choice of Dessert

*       Coffee, Tea, Water


$37 inclusive of tax and service charge

7-9pm Thursday, 18 May 2023

B-52 Strato Fortress Room, Hope Hotel, Dayton, OH


Please remit check, cash, PayPal or credit card (CC #, exp. date, security # 
and billing Zipcode).  Please send $39/dinner if using PayPal or credit card to 
cover fees.



Ed Muns, W0YK

POB 1877

Los Gatos, CA 94031-1877


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