I've requested PMC review for the following two bug fixes:

158093 - [hotbug_request] Combine the 3 jsp validators, to reduce model creation time and file I/O

This change combines the 3 separate JSP batch validators contributed to the validation framework into one, reducing the time (and memory, and I/O) that they usually spend individually creating the same JSP models during validation.  The "new" JSP batch validator is registered reusing the name of the "JSP Syntax Validator" and runs the three prior validators ensuring that the JSP model is only created once among them.  This cuts the time spent batch validating JSPs 40-70%.  There's a visible UI side effect of the "JSP EL Validator" and "JSP Java Validator" disappearing from the Validation preferences, but from an end user perspective, there should have only ever been one, at least in WTP.  This change does not introduce a new extension point, nor does it affect the HTML or JSF validators.

157816 - TaglibIndex in WTP 1.5.1 logs exceptions when Java based projects are closed or deleted
The taglib index monitors changes in the JDT model so that tag libraries on the build path are always known.  When a Java project was closed or deleted, it processes the change event and logs an exception about the Java project no longer existing.  The patch for this bug checks for project close and deletion Java model events and treats them the same way as it would if they were resource change events (the ordering of resource and Java model events would no longer matter).  As things stand with 1.5.1, the mishandling is logged and causes confusing output whenever you delete a Java project.  As this is done *many* times in WTP BVT, it makes the logs less useful and larger than they would otherwise be.

Nitin Dahyabhai
wtp-dev mailing list

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