
I have opened a new bug on issues in the WTP's XML formatter unit tests: 
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=424054. As I also noticed 
tests-related issues in the other WTP modules (projects), I decided not to 
write it to the bug itself, but this mailing list hopefully is a better target. 
So here it goes:

I noticed that the problematic StringCompareUtil.equalsIgnoreLineSeperator() 
(shouldn't it be sepArator?; mentioned in the bug) is used in other WTP modules 
(jsp, css, html) as well. So maybe the same problem there?

Next: Test classes across and even within different modules follow 3 or more 
naming conventions (even "*Tests" - which won't be executed, by default, if you 
are ever about to use Maven (Tycho?), see 

Another: Have somebody seen and reviewed classes like DOMImplementationTests or 
TestAttributesOrder? I know most people say "it's just test", but anybody 
having some practice in writing JUnit code must see the problems (repeated 
code, setUp() trying to be called just once by using non-static variable, ...). 
No offence, authors :)

I understand that these kind of problems are harder to be solved (code review? 
problematic on open source project?) and there are "real" bugs to be fixed but 
we should also bear in mind the long-term benefits (incl. attracting, or at 
least not dis-attracting, new possible contributors) when solving or warn about 
these issues. Hopefully the "production" code is treated better. What do you 

Best regards

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