On 12/23/2015 04:40 AM, Philip Lowman wrote:
I've developed a couple of fixes for the javascript debugger
Thanks and welcome!

1. If I need to be concerned with the following build error for the org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.doc plugin[1] which I get after following the directions at the URL below. The error message sounds like I should be compiling with the Java EE SDK. Should I be compiling with the Java EE SDK or is it acceptable to just disable this plugin and develop with the Java SE SDK?
osgi.ee means "OSGi Execution Environment", which is configured per bundle in the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment directlve in the MANIFEST.MF. It's not related to Java EE. Those errors seem to highlight that you're using Java 7, whereas most recent Eclipse bundles require Java 8. So I believe you should simply install Java 8 and make sure you have it well configured for the build to use it. "mvn --help" can be used to tell you which version of Java your build is using.

2. Directions on how to contribute fixes. What is the preferred process for JSDT? Is it to sign the agreement referenced on this page and just attach patches to Bugzilla (filing bugs when necessary)?
The most efficient and recommended workflow is to push your patches via Gerrit: https://wiki.eclipse.org/JSDT/Development#Pushing_a_new_patch_for_review

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
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