Hi all,

I have several questions about your JavaScript Debugger:

 * can we play with it? where can we find it?
 * is it able to debug node application?

I'm very interested with this JavaScript Debugger (if it can support debug
of node application) to :

 * add a tern debugger to debug tern plugin inside tern.java. Today it's
possible to debug tern plugins with MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger &
Nodeclipse JavaSCript Debugger. I would liek to support your debugger too.
 * try to debug AngularJS Protractor tests with your debugger (I have more
and more people who wish run/debug protractor tests). I have played with
MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger and I can debug protractor but conf is a
little complex. I would like to give you ideas to easy the conf of

Many thanks for your answer.

Have a nice WE

Regard's Angelo
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